
“I don’t think perhaps the complexity of what we do is recognised. Because all of the complexity of human relationships and all of those things don’t stop just because you get older.” (Social worker) 

About the research

The Social Work with Older People (SWOP) research project was led by the University of Birmingham, the University of Bristol and Effective Practice. It started in November 2021 and ran till January 2024. The study was funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research.

Our researchers followed 10 social workers across two local authorities between autumn 2022 and spring 2023. We conducted observations and interviews with social workers, older people, carers and other professionals, and looked at records. We asked: what do social workers do; what impact do they have; and how does their context affect their work?

The research has demonstrated the positive difference social workers make to the lives of older people, carers and families. And has led to recommendations about how social workers can be developed, deployed and supported so they are able to do more of what older people, carers and families need and value.
Although the research took place in England, these are relevant across all four nations of the UK.

She was a professional’

She appeared to be like talking to a friend you’ve known for some time.’

Her knowledge is second to none.’

Some quotes about social workers from the project

Our research is the only observational study of what social workers who work with older people actually do. It is the first time this has been seen in detail.

To find out more, please contact us.

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